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Club Photographer Required

We are nearly into the month of June and preparations have long been underway as Pontypridd RFC prepares itself both on and off the field for the 2024/25 season. Last Saturday we announced that Club photographer Kevin Rudge has stepped down from his role after a six year association with Ponty. As a result of this we are now looking to recruit a new photographer to join the Media Team at Sardis Road.

The club has long been dependent on the dedication of a core group of volunteers to help in its ongoing activities, and our media team is no different. If you have a passion for photography and rugby we would love to hear from you. Anyone with the relevant skills for this role and any time to spare are invited to contact the club by mailing: or private message us on any of our social platforms to discuss further – our friendly and passionate team would love to hear from you.

The input of our volunteers is valued and will be rewarded, but the greatest reward of all will be to join a group of enthusiastic, like-minded people who have the best interests of Pontypridd RFC at heart.

If you would like to be our new Official Club Photographer, or would just like a chat about what the role entails please contact us – your club needs you!